
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Spring 'Gardening' :D

Remember those Photos From the Workroom I posted recently?
Today I am sharing is a little bit of what I was up to......


Ok so here's the thing; I like flowers (obviously).  They are fun to work with, fun to decorate with and fun to grow...well sometimes they are fun to grow  :D

I like having flowers and plants outside, but I really don't always like maintaining them.  I think it's because of my current life stage with little people to take care of.  It's best to water early morning or evening in order to avoid the heat of the day, but those are the times of day where I'm the busiest.

Let's face it, there is no way I'm getting up any earlier than I absolutely have to, and evening time is quite busy for me.  I'm already feeding kids, cleaning up, bathing kids, cleaning up, etc, etc, etc.  And heading out to water has seemed like just another chore.  Of course Husby helps with anything and everything, but for him the growing season = the hot time of year at work also.  When he gets home he is worn out and I like him to rest ;)

So what to do?  I had all of these empty pots sitting on the porch and absolutely no desire to plant a thing.  I thought to myself, "Too bad I can't just stuff those pots with faux flowers and call it a day.......Heyyyyyyy, maybe I can......"  :D :D :D

And so my newest (and possibly craziest) idea was born.  For about $10 I purchased and 'planted' a whole bunch of flowers.  I also raided a few supply bins looking for greens and any leftover stems.

Guess what?  I'm actually liking how it turned out.  Every single day my flowers are in bloom, and I haven't had to water a single time.  Kids pick the pretties?  No big deal, stick them back in.  Temp gets a little low overnight in early spring?  Who cares!

I think I could really get into this in the future.  This time I just sorta grabbed anything that was bright and pretty, but with a little planning I could really make up a nice patio!

Check out these photos and decide for yourself:
(Photos enhanced with the Vivid filter available in PhotoShop)

Iris & Daffodils

Hydrangea & Roses

Asters & Sunflowers

Pink Asters

Red Asters & Crocus


Blue & White Pansies


This was a really easy project to accomplish.  I simply left in place the old dirt, decorative stones and marbles from last year and used wire cutters to trim my floral stems to the desired length.  Once cut I stuck them into the soil and called it a day.

*Husby may or may not have been chuckling the entire time :D :D :D


I hope you enjoyed my latest craziness, thanks for stopping by!


© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2016

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Photos From the Workroom

Are you ready for spring?
I've been having all kinds of fun with some new spring flowers!  Check out these photos from the workroom:

(Photos enhanced using the Vivid filter in PhotoShop)


Pink Aster

Red Aster




I hope you enjoyed these lovely photos, more spring fun will be coming soon!
Thanks for stopping by!


© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2016

Friday, April 15, 2016

Easy (No-Sew) DIY Curtains

I love curtains.  Not only is privacy a must in most spaces, but curtains also add to the decor of your home.  Sure you could get by with just blinds to meet your privacy needs, but curtains add so much more cozy.  Know what I'm saying?

But, curtains can get pretty expensive, especially if you have several large windows (like we do).  And if you are like me, you want to be able to take down your curtains frequently for cleaning.

Somebody missed the trash can and food splattered all over the kitchen curtains?  No problem!
Somebody (I'm talking to you here, Little Man) finished their dinner and headed to the dining room curtains to wipe his little face?  No problem!  Don't want to deal with the hassle and expense of dry cleaning (like me)?  No problem!

So what do you do?   Make your own curtains out of sheets!  Yep that's right, I made my curtains myself.  Out of sheets.

Now how did this even come about?

-I wanted a lot of fabric on the windows because it looks more luxurious.
-I wanted to be able to throw my curtains in the washer frequently.
 -I didn't want to spend a lot of money (do I ever???)

I was trying to figure out how to accomplish all of this when I remembered a conversation with my Granny a long time ago:  

Granny was great at the sewing machine and used to take things like bedspreads and turn them into Halloween costumes (helloooo upcycle!).  We were talking about it one day and she pointed out that sheets were a great source of fabric at a great price (compared to buying fabric at the sewing/ craft store).  I remember we were sitting in her van on the way to a garage sale and she said, "You can do a lot with sheets Jennifer"  It's funny what sticks in your mind after someone has passed!

So anyway, I decided that sheets were the answer.  I went to Wal-Mart and purchased twin sized flat sheets for $5 each.  I used two per window and when you add in the pre-made sheers (also purchased at Wal-Mart) you end up with a cost of only $20 per window.  $20!!!!! That's insane!  And you can wash them so easily!  Love!

Side Note:  You don't have to limit yourself to the inexpensive cotton sheets like I did.  There are all kinds of fabrics and patterns out there, just waiting for that crafty someone to give them new life.  Go crazy!  


Top Left:  My kitchen window has just a sheer to keep things bright.

Top Right:  The master window has queen sized sheets.  I liked the way this size created more fabric volume and will be switching to larger sized sheets for all windows next time.  Also of note, these sheets are layered on top of black-out curtains.  Husby needs to be able to nap comfortably any time of day without being disturbed by all that bright light.  By hanging a set of blackout curtains (found treasure hunting) behind the sheet curtains, we were able to combine the look I wanted with the darkening ability he likes.

Bottom:  Patio door in the kitchen.


So how do you turn a sheet into a curtain without sewing a thing?  Keep scrolling!

Making Curtains

All you have to do is this:  Flip over the flat sheet and find the hem.  The hem should be at one end of the sheet (would be the head of the bed) and will consist of a folded over section that is stitched in place.  Simply use a pair of sharp scissors to create a small opening in the backside of the hem at each end of the sheet.  Now you are left with a nice and tidy spot to slip your curtain rod through.

You could certainly get a bit more detailed and cut/ sew nice openings, ad trims, vary the lengths, the options are endless.  But for me I like simplicity, and left them as pictured.  And I can attest to the fact that they have remained quite nice with repeated washing and plenty of wear and tear ;)

So there it is;  an easy way to create inexpensive window coverings that stand up to a family of four, without ever having to touch a sewing machine.  Love it!

I hope you enjoyed this how-to post, thanks for stopping by!


© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2016

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Spring Cleaning

Here it is, my master cleaning list for spring!

*Remember I use this list in conjunction with my regular weekly cleaning list.
You can find the weekly list by clicking here.

Just Washed:  Decorative Glass

Clean out and organize every cabinet and drawer
Remove all decorative items from top of cabinets, clean and put back
Windex or wash all glassware
Wash all faux plants
Clean out fridge
Clean out oven/ stovetop
Clean out mircowave
Wipe down dishwasher
Take down and wash curtains
Clean windows and blinds
Wash rugs

Clean out and organize every cabinet and drawer
Remove all decorative items from top of cabinets, clean and put back
Windex or wash all glassware
Wash all faux plants
Wipe down appliances
Clean out lint trap (dryer vent & house vent)
Wash rugs
Clean out utility closet

Windex or wash all glassware
Take down and wash curtains
Clean windows and blinds
Wash all faux plants
Clean out and organize all cabinets, drawers and closets
Clean and organize all toy bins
Vacuum under and behind all furniture
Shampoo carpets

Windex or wash all glassware
Take down and wash curtains
Clean windows and blinds
Wash all faux plants
Clean out and organize all cabinets, drawers and closets
Clean and organize all toy bins (kid's rooms)
Vacuum under and behind all furniture
Shampoo carpets

Windex or wash all glassware
Take down and wash shower curtains
Wash all faux plants
Clean out and organize all cabinets, drawers and closets
Clean and organize all toy bins (kid's bath)
Wash rugs

Clean out file cabinet, organize files and shred unneeded papers
Clean computer of excess photos/ videos, move to external storage
Organize remaining computer files

Donate or sell all unwanted/ unneeded items found when cleaning closets, cabinets and drawers.

Cleaning Faux Plants

Depending on the season, there are a couple of different ways to easily wash your faux plants.

When the weather is warm I take them outside and dunk them into a bucket of soapy water.  Rinse with the hose and let dry in the sun.

When the weather is cold I dunk them into the big master tub, filled with soapy water.  Once washed, drain the tub and rinse with clean water.  Let dry in the tub or spread out on towels.  If you use this method, you will need to clean your tub out afterward ;)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Weekly Cleaning

Good design starts with the basics, and what's more basic than a clean house?

I am one of those people who enjoys cleaning the house.  I set aside an entire day each week just to clean, it's like my meditation.  I enjoy the way the cleaning products smell as I'm using them and I looooove my house when everything is all done!  

Insider Secret:  Sometimes I hum the music from Cinderella while I scrub away :D :D :D  And my absolute favorite cleaning days are the spring/ fall days when the weather is nice.  I open every single window in the house and get to it!

Given my penchant for cleaning, and the fact that it's now spring, I thought I might share my spring cleaning chore list (.....which I actually already completed in January, because I just can't wait to get started, but that's another story.....)

Anyhow, I was sitting here typing away about my yearly cleaning when I realized a whole lot of things are missing from the list.  Not because I don't do them, but because they are already part of my weekly cleaning. 

 When I start spring (.....ahem, I mean New Year's cleaning.....)  I tackle one room each day and combine my weekly and yearly chores.  That way the weekly cleaning and the extra stuff all gets done at once.

Ok, ok and here is another secret: Just because I call it 'yearly' cleaning doesn't mean I wait and do it once a year.  If for example I think the pillows or rugs need cleaning then I wash them as needed.  Basically, spring/ new year cleaning to me is my chance to clean absolutely everything in the entire house all at once.  Cause, you know,  that kind of thing appeals to me :D :D :D

So without further delay, here is my weekly cleaning list (in the order I follow):

Wipe down and clean out fridge
Wipe down appliances, clean out microwave and stove top. (I do this after every meal too, but hey.....)
Wipe down counters and kitchen table (and chairs cause you know, kids)
Empty/ load dishwasher, clean and sanitize sink (ok, yeah this is daily too)

Change sheets and mattress pad.  I like to Febreeze everything cause it's so, so fresh ;)
I also start the laundry at this point, and keep it going throughout the day.

Change the sheet on the couch, Febreeze the couch and pillows.  There's a sheet on the couch?  Yeah, kids, remember?  :D

Change sheets and Febreeze
Ok, so I know that eventually I have to turn some of these weekly jobs over to them (you know, that whole teaching responsibility thing), but for now I change the sheets.  Baby Girl does make her own bed and they both pick up their toys/ laundry, clean up their dishes, etc :)

Dust the entire house and don't forget the ceiling fans.
I like Swiffer dusters the best because the hold the dust and I can throw it out.  This is awesome for my allergies!

I start in the kitchen with the sliding glass door and work my way through the house cleaning mirrors, table tops and anything finger-printy.  Don't forget the mirrors and counters in the bathrooms!

Scrub tubs, sinks and inside of toilets
(Put the Comet up high because the Little Man likes to help!)

I start at one end of the house and wipe down doorknobs, light switches, remotes, faucets, soap dispensers, keyboards and the outsides/ seats of the toilets.

Vacuum carpeting in entire house, clean and rinse filter/ container afterwards.

Sweep the non-carpeted floors, then mop

Empty all of the trash cans, put the rugs back when floors are dry, enjoy!


Note of Interest:  I don't typically use PhotoShop on this blog, as I often post photos of items to be sold.  In those instances I always use raw images for item accuracy.  However since today's post is a fun and informative one, I thought why not?!  In case you are interested, these photos were edited using the dream filter and vignette border in white.


Yearly list of cleaning chores will be coming soon, thanks for stopping by!


© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2016

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Easter 2016: How We Celebrated!

We had a fun and enjoyable Easter this year, here is how we celebrated:

Glowy Eggs

We kicked off the holiday by having our annual glowy egg hunt the weekend before Easter.

Apparently glowy eggs have become a trend because Wal-Mart now sells miniature sized glow sticks intended to fit into plastic eggs.  This is sooooo much easier than trying to bend the bigger ones in half!

(You can click here to read more about my glowy eggs)

Egg Dye

The kids enjoyed coloring a few hard boiled eggs on Saturday.

Translation:  Baby Girl enjoyed decorating eggs, the Little Man enjoyed discovering how to crack open the shells ;)

Painting Eggs

After coloring the real eggs, the kids had a fun time painting up a few foam eggs too.

Easter Baskets

The kids woke up on Sunday morning to buckets filled with all sorts of fun outside activities and a bit of candy too :)

Low-Key Table

A bit of filler grass and yellow napkins added a small festive touch to our brunch table.


A yellow napkin topped with filler grass and a handful of 'carrot' eggs created a simple and colorful centerpiece.


The kids love these, I think they are gross.  But, they add so much cuteness to our brunch!  So I bought a pack to dress up our plates and smoothies.


A breakfast casserole and colorful smoothie.

I made our smoothies 'Eastery' by topping with jelly beans and a bunny peep.  Use a knife to cut a slice into the peep and they will fit nicely on the rim of any glass.

Easter Eggs

This years eggs contained either jelly beans or coins.  I filled 24 for each kiddo, color coding them to prevent squabbles ;)

Can you see them?

Yeah, so I forgot how green camouflage eggs would 'disappear' into the lawn.  Sorry Little Man, it's a good thing you have a sweet big sister ready to help you!  Poor kid....

:D :D :D

Hatching Bunnies

You didn't know that bunnies hatch from Easter eggs?  Well they did this year!  The kids had a good time soaking and then breaking apart these eggs to find the toy bunnies inside.

I found these 'hatchable' eggs at Wal-Mart, $3 for a set of two.

And that was our relaxing Easter Sunday.
I hope you enjoyed this holiday post, thanks for stopping by!


© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2016