
Saturday, May 25, 2019

Updating Patio Fabric With Acrylic Paint

You may remember from this post that Husby and I acquired this patio set while thrifting at one of our local Goodwill stores.  Shortly after making the purchase, I used acrylic paint as a stain to update the fabric of the chairs.  Check out how easy this is to do:

The Set

Here is the set right after purchase, you can see that the original fabric was originally a cream color.

Tile Topped Table

Not only are these Italian tiles gorgeous and heavy weight, but.....

Removable Tile

.....they are also completely removable.  Using their own weight to keep them in place, each tile individually rests within the iron frame.  Not only does this mean that moving the heavy table is possible (just remove the tiles 😉) but any rain or spills flow right through the table as well.

Stained Fabric

The only drawback to this thrifted patio set was the staining on the cream colored fabric.  It looked as though tea had been spilled on a couple of chairs and the funny thing is, I actually liked the color of the stain better!  I thought about it for awhile and debated between completely reupholstering the chairs or trying to cover the stain with a 'stain' of my own....and obviously I ended up using paint:

Territorial Beige

The only supplies I needed were an old cup, a paint brush and a bottle of Apple Barrel acrylic paint in Territorial Beige.

Add Water

When mixing up my stain I wasn't very specific, I just added about a tablespoon of paint to roughly a cup of water and stirred until it was completely mixed.


Once mixed, I painted on my stain until the fabric was completely covered.  It took about two coats to get the coverage that I wanted, but you could do more or less depending upon personal taste.

Side Note:  I would caution a couple of things:  One, put down a tarp unless you don't mind getting your patio covered in paint and two, tape off your furniture if it is light colored or absorbant.  Since my frames are dark colored metal, I was able to wipe off any of the paint water without worry and didn't bother protecting the metal.

Let Dry

This photo was taken after one coat of the stain was applied.  After using two coats of stain I let it dry overnight and followed up with a waterproof fabric sealer which I did two coats of as well.

Updated Set

And there you have it, an updated patio set using just a bit of water mixed with acrylic paint!

I liked this patio set before, but I really love it now.  I think the new fabric color adds richness as well as blends nicely with my terracotta accents 😍

The paint stained furniture fabric held up well over the winter, though that's probably more due to the waterproof fabric protector than anything else, so don't skip that step!  At this time the patio set is fully decked out with potted green foliage that I scored at a garage sale a couple of weeks ago which I'll share in an upcoming post.


I hope you enjoyed this how-to post.
Have a great Memorial Day holiday weekend and thanks for stopping by!

© Studio 27 by Jennifer Adams 2019


This post was added to the Finding Silver Pennies
and the Best of the Weekend weekly link parties.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Treasure Hunting: Spring 2019

Garage sales may have gotten off to a slow start this year, but the last two weekends have more than made up for the wait.  I've been having a blast finding all sorts of fun design goodies, check out my newest treasures:

 Terra Cotta Pots

These paint chipped pots were only .25 each.  I generally prefer that my terra cotta be left in it's natural coloring, but for a quarter apiece I figured I could repaint these and see how a little gold looks mixed in with the rest of my outdoor containers.  It turned out really well and I'll share some photos soon 😍

 Dome Clock

I've been looking for a clock like this for awhile now so that I could create an enchanted rose cloche (think Beauty and the Beast).  This was was only $1 and worked perfectly once I purchased an artificial red rose - how to tutorial coming soon!

 Grinning Skulls

These bony friends still had the original $7 price tags on the bottom, but I snagged them for .50 each.  I planned on incorporating them into my Halloween decor this year, but one has gone missing.  A certain little boy that I know insists that this is the perfect accessory to his Indian Jones costume 😁

 Fancy Box

Speaking of Indiana Jones, this wooden box (that looks like a bag) also ended up in someone's costume bin.  I thought it would be great for my Halloween potion bottle collection, but for now that same little boy has taken it too.  Either way, it was only $1.


I've been thinking about experimenting with antler decor but don't want to apply paint to any of Husby's trophies.  This .50 antler will be the perfect substitute.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it exactly, but at least I've got it on hand 😉

 Tiny Pie

I don't know if this .25 miniature pie was intended to be a kids toy or just a small container, but it is absolutely adorable.  I tucked it right in to my china cabinet with the rest of my cake and goodies collection.

Star Charts

Can you believe these star charts were in a FREE box?  It's amazing to me how often I find science goodies in boxes marked 'free'.  The kids and I like to sit outside a lot during the warmer months to look at the stars and the star wheel cover will help me to teach them the constellations.  But even better the inside is packed with star charts for the northern hemisphere, two for every season in fact.  I've always wanted to have a series of star charts framed on the wall and this book will do the trick.

Spools of Ribbon

Each of these brand new, unopened spools were marked at only .25 each.  If you are counting them up, that's only 3.25 for so much crafting potential!

Artists Brushes

So I already have a pretty good collection of paint brushes, can't complain, but when I saw this gorgeous new set, complete with a canvas carrying case, I had to have them.  Especially since the entire set was only $5!

Arcoroc Milk Glass

Not only did I stumble upon more of this vintage French milk glass (18 pieces to be exact) but the entire lot was only $6!  I can't wait to do up a spooky, Halloween milk glass table setting this year!

Want to see what a great deal this is?  Here is a listing on Etsy where just four of these bowls retail for almost $30!

So. Many. Greens.

Last but not least, I found a giant boxed stuffed full of high quality artificial greenery.  It's the really good stuff, thick and sturdy with strong wiring.  I estimate the collection to be around $200, but I only parted with $3!  There was so much in here that I filled out my entire back porch with potted greens - post coming soon!


I hope you've enjoyed this treasure hunting post, thanks for stopping by!

© Studio 27 by Jennifer Adams 2019


This post was added to the Finding Silver Pennies weekly link party.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Spring Thrifting: Vintage Milk Glass & More

This time of year I'm normally in full garage sale mode but our local weather has been consistently cool and rainy, meaning garage sales have been few and far between.  I've been trying to be as patient as possible, but when an add for Goodwill popped up on my Facebook feed right before Easter and stated that there would be and Easter egg hunt in the store, I couldn't hold back.  I mean, if I can't go to any garage sales, I should at least be able to hit up the thrift store, right? 😊

Check out the ad:

This ad was telling me that not only do I get to go thrifting, but I also get to look for an Easter egg and that egg will contain a discount?!?!  These are dreams coming true right here, dreams coming true!

And, you guys, I found the egg!  It was a giant, ostrich sized plastic blue egg with the Goodwill logo on the side.  Inside was a folded piece of paper with a barcode, which once scanned at the checkout revealed a discount of 10%.  It really is the simple things in life that bring about the most happiness 😂

So anyway, armed with my discount here is what I found:

Harvest Grape Mugs

 I have a full set of milk glass mugs that match my punch bowl, as well as a couple that I use for everyday, but I really wanted a couple more to dress up my back porch bakers rack.  When I saw these for $1.99 each I went ahead and grabbed them.

(You can click here to see my punch bowl set)

Back Porch Bakers Rack

Here is a peek at my back porch bakers rack, now that it has a bit of milk glass pretty.  If you remember from this post, I've been wanting to add some mugs and possibly some pretty glass bottles.  After adding the mugs I thought, why not use vases instead of bottles?  I pulled a couple of milk glass vases and a mixing bowl from my collection to round out the look.

Harvest Grape Goblets

Just next to the mugs (and again only $1.99) I also found this set of six milk glass goblets.  I already had four just like this that I use all of the time on Sundays when I make fruit smoothies...and now I have a nice full set of ten 😍

Never Enough ❤

In addition to the mugs and goblets I also found all of this:

Pedestal $1.99
Lidded Jar $3.99
Bowls $1.99 each
Tray $2.99

Vintage Tins

Lastly, I picked up this set of tins for $1.99.  I'm not usually a silver or chrome person, so I was surprised to find myself liking these lidded containers.  Something about them reminds me of my Granny though, they seem like the type of container she would have had in her pantry.  So I'm pretty sure that's where the attraction comes from 😎


And that was my most wonderful Easter-egg-hunt-shopping-spree at the Goodwill!  Since then I've managed to find a couple of garage sales and a collection of treasures that I'll be sharing soon.

But for now I hope you've enjoyed this thrifting post, thanks for stopping by!

© Studio 27 by Jennifer Adams 2019


This post was added to the Finding Silver Pennies,
the Vintage Charm,
and the Best of the Weekend weekly link parties.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Mother's Day Wall Art Printables

Just in time for Mother's Day, I have a new batch of printable art ready to go!  These 8.5x11 sheets can be framed, scrapbooked or even inserted into the cover of a memory book.  Check them out:

Mommy Garden Flower

Mommy Orange Text

Mommy Purple Text

Mommy Tropical Flower

You can click here to find these (and more) in my Etsy shop 😊


I hope you liked this printable post, thanks for stopping by!

© Studio 27 by Jennifer Adams 2019


This post was added to the Best of the Weekend weekly link party.