
Friday, February 7, 2025

Re-Style A Valentine Candy Box

Valentine Fake Bake

Today's tutorial will show you how I re-styled a valentine candy box and filled it with faux chocolates:


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Valentine Fake Bake
Valentine Fake Bake

Starting with an empty Ferrero Rocher candy box, I removed the label and painted the lid in red.  I liked the gold plastic nesting inside so I kept it, but you could remove it if you wanted.  Not only would removing it change the look, but it would allow more space for faux treats as well.

Valentine Fake Bake

If you've seen my collection of fake bake molds, you know that I have a lot of actual chocolate shapes to choose from.  I've already used all of those at least once and I wanted to try something different, so I took a second look at this pineapple mold.  You can see how if you fill the mold all of the way up, you get a pineapple shape with the greenery on top.  My idea was to fill the mold only partway to get the textured shape without the greenery.  I painted those in brown acrylic and topped with gold puffy paint to make chocolates!

Valentine Fake Bake

Here is how they look, one per compartment in the candy box.

Valentine Fake Bake
Valentine Fake Bake

My last step was to add a swirly design to the lid with more of the gold puffy paint.

Valentine Fake Bake
Valentine Fake Bake


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