
Friday, April 5, 2024

Faux Mushroom DIY

Fake Bake Mushrooms

I wanted a container of faux mushrooms for my pantry display and decided to make them myself.  Here is how I did it:


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Fake Bake Mushrooms
Fake Bake Mushrooms

Cutting in half a small foam ball, I glued in a piece of wooden dowel and painted them beige.  After that was dry I added bits of brown paint for dimension.  These mushrooms are from my imagination so I didn't try to make them look like any particular type of actual mushroom 😉

Fake Bake Mushrooms

For the storage container I used a real one from some actual mushrooms and repainted it in toasted marshmallow.

Fake Bake Mushrooms
Fake Bake Mushrooms

The top photo shows the mushrooms alone in their container while the bottom photo has a bit of plastic wrap in place.  This helps to keep them from falling out and looks like they were just picked up from the produce section.

Fake Bake Mushrooms
Fake Bake Mushrooms

I tucked them into my faux pantry wall display in the laundry room.  You can click  here  to see the rest of that collection.


  1. How clever! Mushrooms are really trending right now in interior design. I purchased a little bag of colorful mushrooms from Hobby Lobby but they were quite pricey. Visiting from Calling Fellow Bloggers.

  2. These are great, Jennifer. Thanks for sharing this post with me--and with my readers--at the Will Blog for Comments #33 linkup. Hope to see you next week, too.

  3. I need to make these and so simple. Thanks for sharing at Funtastic Friday.
