Saturday, April 28, 2018

Seashell Filled Milk Glass Lamp

Sometime last spring I found a milk glass lamp (while treasure hunting) that had a clear glass space in the middle. I didn't get the chance to share my poor little lamp until now, but read on to see it filled with lovely seashells:

New Lamp 

I can remember the exact garage sale where I found this lamp, but not the price.  I want to say it was around $2?  At first I was going to pass it up because I didn't care for the plasticky looking magnolia that was stuffed inside, but then I figured it couldn't be that hard to change it out and so I grabbed it thinking it would be a nice addition to the island in my closet room.

I went back and forth with different filler ideas; flowers, faux jewels, actual jewelry...and then I had a better idea: seashells!  I'm a big bath person and love ending the day with a hot soak, but I don't always appreciate the bright overhead lights of the bathroom.  I had been looking for some sort of smaller table lamp and here this one was right in front of me.  So instead of using it in a dressing room, I relocated it to the master bath...

Bathroom Counter Before

Here is a photo of the bathroom counter before the lamp.  I decided that the two smaller jars of seashells could go away to make some room.  Not only did that clear the space that I needed, but it also provided me with filler material for the lamp.

Side Note:  If you can see the framed photo on the counter, yes that's Husby, yes that is a shark that he caught fishing off of the beach, yes he threw it back and yes it swam away happily 😎


I added this photo for a couple of reasons one, it's just pretty 😉 and two, I wanted to point out that no matter how long you have had your seashells, they always have to be cleaned before you do anything with them.  I don't know where they store all of it, but each time you move a seashell it seems like more sand appears!

Newly Filled

The parts to the vase unscrewed pretty easily.  I tossed out the tired magnolia, gave the glass a quick wipe down and refilled the void with the seashells.

I'm still looking for a small lamp for my closet, but I'm glad that I used this one in the bathroom instead.  And I really like the softer light it provides while I'm taking a bath.


I hope you enjoyed this treasure hunting post, thanks for stopping by!

© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2018

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