Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Make Your Own: (American Girl) Doll MakeUp Accessories

After receiving an American Girl doll for her birthday, Baby Girl's Christmas list included furniture and accessories for the doll.  One of the things she wanted was a doll makeup table and I found a great one on Amazon (that matched the doll bed that I knew she would be getting from her grandparents).  The trouble was, the table didn't come with any accessories.  A makeup table must have accessories!

I saw a few other doll makeup tables that did come with makeup accessories, but I didn't like the look or quality.  I also saw makeup accessories sold separately, but they were priced at an amount that would have cut too far into the rest of the budget.  So.....I decided to make my own!

Read on to see how easy it is to make your own doll makeup accessories:


Everything you see here (nail polish, eye shadow and lip gloss) was found in the stocking-stuffer section of Wall-Mart and were priced at $1 each.  I chose the items based on their cutesy look (the nail polish has a cupcake theme) and their miniature size.

Note:  These items are real makeup so they had to be 'preserved'

Accident Free Nail Polish

The first thing that I did was to seal the nail polish shut with super glue.  Baby Girl is absolutely responsible enough to have her own nail polish (and she does) but we keep it put up with mine so that the Little Man can't get his hands on it.  Since this 'toy' makeup was going to be kept out with all of the doll accessories, I thought it best to make sure that it couldn't open.

This was a really easy job;  just open the bottles, apply glue to the threading and then close!

Tip:  I recommend using tiny bottles with very sturdy glass that are less likely to break.

Mod Podge

The second thing I did was to seal shut the eye shadows and lip gloss.  I did this using Mod Podge (Dollar Tree has tiny bottles for $1 if you don't need a whole lot).  I dripped a good amount onto each make-up palette until the color of the makeup could no longer be seen.  I then very carefully spread the Mod Podge so that the makeup below wasn't disturbed.  Finally, I used a toothpick to carefully eliminate any bubbles that had formed on the surface.  After a couple days of drying, the makeup was perfectly sealed!


The last thing that I did was to use stickers to re-design the makeup packaging.  Remember, the nail polish bottles had a cupcake theme, but the rest of the makeup contained standard branded packaging.  A few cupcake stickers later and I had a matched set ready to go!

Ready For Play

Here is the completed set all ready for Christmas morning.  The miniature sizes turned out really nice and I can say with experience that the Mod Podge made the makeup completely Little Man proof 😉

I hope you enjoyed this how-to post, thanks for stopping by!

© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2017

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