Saturday, July 25, 2020

Little Mermaids - A Printable Watercolor Giveaway!

I've been working a lot on my Etsy shop  this week; creating and adding new items, reworking my layout, and making decisions about what I would like to keep and what I'll be discontinuing.  One of the products that I'll be removing are my printable mermaid watercolors.  But before I do, I thought I would offer the chance for you to score the set for free!

Read on to see my pretty little mermaids and discover how you can enter to win:

(These printables are scans of some watercolors that I did and print best as an 8X10)


Disclosure - This post may contain affiliate links.  If a purchase is made through an affiliate link then (at no additional cost to you) I will receive a commission.  You can read more about affiliate links here.

Blond Mermaid With Pink Tail
Blond With Pink Tail

Brunette Mermaid With Purple Tail
Brunette With Purple Tail

Redhead Mermaid With Green Tail
Redhead With Green Tail

Brunette Mermaid With Pink Tail
Brunette With Pink Tail


I'll send the files for the printable watercolors pictured here for FREE to five separate winners!

Just email me at 
and put 'Mermaid Watercolor' in the subject line.
*Winners will be chosen at random*

Hurry, this offer ends Saturday, August 1, 2020!

You can click here if you would like to see what else is offered in my Etsy shop, I've been working on SVG files lately 😉


I hope you liked this giveaway post, thanks for stopping by!

© Studio 27 by Jennifer Adams 2020

Saturday, July 18, 2020

How To Customize Your Plastic Drawer Storage

Upgrade Plastic Drawers

I love storage and organization and I also love making things pretty.  Here's a story about how I used both of those interests to upgrade my plastic drawers with a custom rose design:


Disclosure - This post may contain affiliate links.  If a purchase is made through an affiliate link then (at no additional cost to you) I will receive a commission.  You can read more about affiliate links here.

Upgrade Plastic Storage

Here are my drawers before I dressed them up.  Not too bad, but not pretty either.  I added felt to each drawer to help keep things in place, but because I didn't glue them down they were getting all rumply.  To help keep track of what's in each drawer I also made a sticky note label for the outside.  Now I know I could take this a lot further with pretty vinyl or even by printing something up, but I simply move things around too often.  I need to be able to switch out my labels without feeling like I've wasted a lot of time and supplies!

You can click here to find these drawers at Walmart.
(I don't know why these are priced so high on the website, you can find them wayyyy cheaper in the store 😊)

Upgrade Plastic Drawers

This particular set of drawers is for my sewing supplies and I used plastic trays from Dollar Tree to help keep things organized.

You can click here to browse Dollar Tree's online collection of plastic containers.

Upgrade Plastic Drawers
Scrapbooking Paper

I found my scrapbook paper online at Hobby Lobby (and on sale) for .25 a sheet.  
I went ahead and ordered 100 sheets since I use this paper so much, and it was only $25 before tax and shipping.

Upgrade Plastic Drawers
Step 1

After removing everything from my drawers I measured the fronts and used a sheet of printer paper to make a template.  

Tip:  Don't take your template for granted, go ahead and stick it in your drawer to double check the dimensions before you start cutting your good paper.

Upgrade Plastic Drawers
Upgrade Plastic Drawers
Upgrade Plastic Drawers
Step 2

Once I was sure of my template size, I used it to measure and cut my rose paper in the way that would leave as few scraps as possible.  It was super easy to get these precise, straight cuts with this Cricut cutting board.  You can even purchase a scoring blade for the same trimmer and use it to get nice, even folds in your paper projects 😍

Upgrade Plastic Drawers
Upgrade Plastic Drawers
Step 3

Top:  I used a bit of hot glue to anchor my felt in place.  I can't tell you how nice it is to have had it stop sliding around!

Bottom:  With my felt in place, I stood the drawers on end and attached the strips of rose paper with just a bit of clear tape at the edges.  I tried hot glue and white glue as well, but didn't like the way it showed through the drawer fronts.  Another bonus with tape is that if you want to change the look of your drawers it's easy to remove.

Upgrade Plastic Drawers

Better already!  I love that the clutter inside is now hidden and that the rose paper is sort of subdued by the plastic.  I also appreciate the way that my pink labels now pop against the background. 
You can't go wrong with roses 😎

Upgrade Plastic Drawers

And that's how easy it is to upgrade your plastic storage drawers!
Have you completed any similar projects yourself?  I wold love to hear from you-

Contact me at or leave a comment below.


I hope you liked this how-to post, thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, July 11, 2020

DIY Whiteboard

Framed Whiteboard

I was spending some time with my kiddos and nieces the other day when we were talking about they each would like to decorate their rooms.  My oldest niece mentioned that she would really like to have a whiteboard for her wall and I thought: Hey, I can probably make that happen with stuff I already have!

Read on to see how easy it is to custom make your own whiteboard:


Disclosure - This post may contain affiliate links.  If a purchase is made through an affiliate link then (at no additional cost to you) I will receive a commission.  You can read more about affiliate links here.

Framed Whiteboard

For this project I used a garage sale framed art piece and a roll of Contact brand adhesive white board paper that I picked up at a thrift store. The framed art was $1 and the Contact paper was around $2.

I'm really big on picking up cheap art pieces if I like the frame.  You never know what project might come up and having a good selection of frames on hand is convenient.  Just remove the art and you have a frame all ready to go at a fraction of the cost!

I'll be honest about the Contact paper though, I had nooooo idea what I was going to use it for.  It was was one those situations in the craft section of the thrift store where I went, "Hey, this could be neat" and into the cart it went.  I snagged a roll of Contact chalkboard paper the same day too😉

(You can find similar adhesive whiteboard paper here on Amazon)

Framed Whiteboard
Step 1

After opening up the frame and removing the glass, I placed the art (painting side down) on my table and applied the Contact paper to the backside of the art, folding the edges of the Contact paper up and around the art piece itself.  That left me with the same painting, now with bits of Contact paper around the edges. 

But why though?  Because the painting was matted and the mat board was glued into place, the surface was indented.  Had I applied the Contact paper to this side, it would have been lumpy.  By flipping the art over and using the back as the front for the whiteboard, I had a nice even surface that was already cut to fit the frame.

Note:  You no longer need the glass that was in the frame, you want the front to be exposed whiteboard material.

The photo above shows the art with the Contact paper applied to the back of the painting and the painting inserted backwards into the frame so that the front of the frame is now a clean whiteboard.  I didn't like the messy look of the back however...

Framed Whiteboard

...and remedied that by adding a couple of sheets of card stock and sealing the perimeter with a bit of hot glue.  This step isn't necessary but since it was a gift for my niece I wanted it to be polished.

Framed Whiteboard

And there you have it; a quick and easy whiteboard with a much nicer frame than you typically see in the stores.  And all for around $3!


I hope you enjoyed this how-to post, thanks for stopping by!


© Studio 27 by Jennifer Adams 2020


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