Saturday, January 9, 2021

Fake Bake Cherry Pie

Kitchen Decor

The new year has come and my fake bake game is still going strong, this time it's all about pies!

You can read about my fake bake cookiesdrinkscakecandies, or cake pops by clicking these links or scroll on to learn about the cherry pie pictured above:


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Kitchen Decor

I started my pie with a real pie plate that I picked up at the thrift store.  If you don't want to use  up your bakeware you can always remove the pie once it's baked.  I feel like they are more likely to fall apart that way though, and prefer to keep them inside of a dish.  For this reason I've been stocking up on cheap bakeware while thrifting, you can usually find nice pie plates for a couple of dollars 😊

With my pie plate chosen and ready to go, I whipped up some salt dough and completely filled it up.  Don't worry about looks yet, this will all be covered up in a bit.

You can find my salt dough recipe here.

Kitchen Decor

The next step was to roll out a circle of dough to create the look of the crust...

Kitchen Decor

...and plop it right on top of the filled pie plate.  Pinch the edges a bit to make the crust pretty and trim off any excess.

Kitchen Decor

Next I rolled out another circle of dough and cut it into strips, then woven them on top of the flat crust.  At the edges I just pinched everything together and again cut off any excess.

If you aren't sure about this part, has a great basket weave tutorial  here.

Kitchen Decor

I then baked until dry - about 4 hours at 250 degrees.

Kitchen Decor

When the pie was cool and dry I painted the filling part with 'Tuscan Red' Apple Barrel acrylic paint.

You'll notice that while the filling looks great painted in, the crust looks pale and undercooked.

Kitchen Decor

To fix this I used a bit of brown water color to add a golden look to the crust.

Kitchen Decor

Lastly I used a bit of joint compound in an icing bag to pipe on what looks like whipped cream, and stuck a faux cherry in the middle.

Sometimes as the joint compound dries, it shrinks up and pulls away from whatever it is touching.  In this case the whipped cream itself came off of the pie and the cherry fell out!  No worries though, a bit of hot glue and everything will go back into place nicely.

You can read more about my joint compound icing here.

Kitchen Decor

I loved how my cherry pie turned out so much that I went ahead and made an apple, chocolate and blueberry as well!  

For the apple I followed the exact same process as the cherry, using a browner shade of acrylic paint for the filling and I skipped the topping.  

The chocolate pie was a bit different.  After making the bottom crust I did not fill the interior of the pie with more salt dough.  Instead I baked the shell until dry and then filled it with joint compound that I tinted with chocolate colored acrylic paint.  After that dried I used puffy paint to create a chocolate drizzle and then topped with joint compound for the whipped cream.

The blueberry pie was constructed almost the same as the cherry and apple, but rather than lattice the top crust I just made a few cut-outs.  After baking I then painted the cut-outs blue and topped with joint compound, using blue beads for the berries.


I hope you enjoyed this how-to fake bake post, thanks for stopping by!
