This laundry room spring cleaning list is my favorite one of the series, probably because laundry is my favorite household chore. What's not to love about detergent, bubbles and fresh smelling clothes? And this little love of mine goes way back- As a child I used to keep empty detergent and fabric softener bottles in my toybox and I would use them to pretend to wash my doll clothes 😀
So without further ado, here's the spring cleaning laundry room checklist:
So without further ado, here's the spring cleaning laundry room checklist:
Disclosure - This post contains affiliate links. If a purchase is made through an affiliate link then (at no additional cost to you) I will receive a commision. Affiliate links are noted below.
Take down curtains to wash
Dust all surfaces
Windex all glass
Clean windows and blinds
Go through all closets, cabinets, drawers and bins - get rid of anything not needed
Vacuum entire room including under furniture
Clean carpets
Wash rugs
Mop floors
Give any faux plants a sink bath
Lysol wipe door handles and light switches
Wipe down laundry machines inside and out
Clean the lint trap of the dryer
And that's it, laundry room done!
As a bonus I've added a set of Amazon (affiliate) link with my favorite spring cleaning products at the bottom of this post.
Want more spring cleaning lists?
I hope you enjoyed this spring cleaning post, thanks for stopping by!
© Studio 27 by Jennifer Adams 2019

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This post was added to the Finding Silver Pennies weekly link party
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