Friday, June 3, 2022

Faux Food Storage & Display: My Bakery

Fake Food Decor

If you've been visiting this blog for awhile, you'll know that one of my favorite crafting hobbies is to make fake bake decor.  Some things I make to keep out all year round (like cakes and cookies) while others are seasonal or holiday themed.  Since I only bring them out occasionally, I needed a place to store my collection, hence my 'bakery' was born 😍

Read on to see how I decorated it as well as how I organize my off season storage:


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Fake Food Decor

Last week I shared this post with photos from our new house.  You may remember me mentioning that right off of the front hall is a large storage closet that I use for my fake bake storage.

Open the door and....

Fake Food Decor's packed!

First I want to show you how it looks and then I'll talk about my organization and finally the decorating.
The photo above is right as you open the door.  So far I have painted the walls/ ceiling and I'm planning on redoing the floor this summer.

Fake Food Decor

Still standing in the doorway and turning your head slightly to the right you can see the middle. 

The cabinet was a thrift store find that I talk more about  here.

Fake Food Decor

And turning your head further to the right, you can see the rest of the storage.


Here is how that storage is broken down:

Fake Food Decor
Fake Food Decor

Directly across from the door I have my summer fruit themed collections.

Fake Food Decor

The wall to the far right contains Easter, spring, winter, Valentine's birthday, Christmas and Halloween.  You can't see the fall storage here, but it's down below.

Fake Food Decor

Across from the display cabint is the rest of my summer; 4th of July, honey, beach/ seashell and s'mores themes.

Right now these containers are all clear with white lids and pink labels.  I'm thinking of lining the bins with white tissue paper so that the overall look is cleaner.  I use a lot of recycled grocery bags to cushion my items and it can look a bit cluttered through the clear sides.  I'm also going to order a few more of the plastic shelves for my Christmas section so that I can stack it easier.

You can find the storage shelves  here.

Fake Food Decor
My Bakery Sign

This used to be a framed chalkboard that I picked up at the thrift store.  I repainted it white and gold and then used my Cricut to make the signage.

Fake Food Decor
Fake Food Decor
Doughnut Decor

Around the top of the room I hung a series of doughnuts that I made from baking pans. You can click here to see a step by step tutorial.

Fake Food Decor
Display Cabinet

 Since I wanted this room to be more than just storage, I added a cabinet where I display my 'baking in progress' decor items.

Fake Food Decor

The candy jar storage rack is a thrift store makeover that I'll share in the future.  Some of the vintage Tupperware were my grandmothers, others I have picked up at garage sales or while thrifting.

Fake Food Decor

These are salt dough rolls that I colored with a bit of acrylic paint mixed with water.  Just brush on and let dry.

Fake Food Decor

My sugar and brown sugar are just Dollar Tree sand in jars that I also picked up while there.  Again I used my Cricut to make the labels.

(You can click here to check out Dollar Tree's online selection)

Fake Food Decor

Here is a post where I shared how to make the kitchen baking props (kneaded dough, and chocolate cake batter), and here is where you can see how to make the faux milk.  This post will talk about salt dough cookies.  The pink and chocolate cake printable is one that I made myself.  You can find it here in my Etsy shop - just download and print!


Some close-ups:

Fake Food Decor
Fake Food Decor

If you took a look at the baking prop post, you'll notice that when I made the kneaded dough it was nice and round.  I didn't realize that it wasn't completely dry when I put it in storage (before moving) and it ended up getting squished.  Oops!

Fake Food Decor

Below the shelving display area are drawers for storage.

I was lucky and found the vintage Pillsbury Doughboy in a bag of food toys at a garage sale for only a couple of dollars, but here is the exact same one on Ebay if you are interested.  If you want a lesser price, try searching "Pillsbury Doughboy" toy to find similar styles.

Fake Food Decor

Vintage Fisher Price cake toys in the left small drawer😍

Fake Food Decor

And an assortment of salt dough cookies are in the right side.  I like to swap out the cookies on my tiny try per the season so I have circles, gingerbread men, hearts, pumpkins, snowflakes and carrots.

Fake Food Decor
Fake Food Decor
Fake Food Decor

The larger drawers at the bottom contain the rest of my vintage Fisher Price/ Little Tykes food toy collection.  I like to keep these low so that my niece can easily reach them when she visits 😉


And there you have it, my very own 'bakery' closet!  
I hope you enjoyed the tour, thanks for stopping by!

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