Friday, August 30, 2024

Decorating The Strawberry Patch

Garden Decor

As part of our landscaping since moving in we have put in a vegetable garden, mulberry tree and (so far) a strawberry patch.  We have beds ready for cherry, raspberry, blackberry and blueberry bushes as well but those starts won't arrive until a couple of weeks from now.  Our strawberry starts came this past spring and my daughter had a great idea to decorate the patch with painted rocks.  Read on to see how you can make some yourself:


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Garden Decor

We started our project by collecting a few strawberry shaped rocks as well as some that were more evenly round.

Garden Decor

The strawberry shapes we painted in red and the rounds in green - both using acrylic paints.

Garden Decor
Garden Decor

For the strawberries we added greenery at the top and black polka-dots for the seeds.  I left my dots plain black while my daughter added a bit of yellow on top of hers.  The round green rocks we painted white strawberry flowers on and after everything was dry I sprayed both sides of each rock with a clear coat to protect the designs.

Garden Decor
Garden Decor
Garden Decor

Here are how the rocks looked when we placed them.

The tiny round pans in the strawberry bed and hanging from the fence are vintage Jell-O molds.  I'll share more about that project at a later time.

Garden Decor

And here is how the strawberry patch is looking now - at this point you have to look closely to be able to see our painted rocks among the foliage!  When we received the strawberry starts there were just 10 tiny green leaf clumps with roots.  I planted them evenly spaced around the circular bed and they have already completely taken over in just a few short months.  They did flower and berry in the late spring, but since they were just babies we only got about 5 berries.  Next year should be better as now there are over 100 plants and they are about 4 times their original size already!  

Here is a link to the strawberry variety that we ordered from Gurneys.  This seed & nursery company is a favorite of ours for the quality and prices.  I especially love that you can put in your zone to search plants that will work in your climate.  They also wait and ship the plants that you order until it's safe to plant them outside in your region.

And that's our decorated strawberry patch.

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Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor


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  1. How sweet! The stones are beautifully painted and look fun! Your strawberry patch is coming along nicely. #MMBC

  2. Those rocks look adorable peeking out between your plants (and those plants look so healthy :-)

    1. We are having to pull the tiniest babies out because they are spreading so thickly!

  3. I love that kindness stones were added to your strawberry patch! Thank you for sharing this fun idea at Tuesdays with a Twist! Sharing with a kindness stone group on FB. -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures & Old Rock Farmhouse

    1. I haven't heard of kindness stones before, I'll have to look into that. Thanks for sharing with your group!
