Hello friends, today I'm sharing my collection of valentine fake bakes:
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Starting in the breakfast room, the big cabinet is where I feature my valentine village. This tutorial will show you how to make the little houses and this post will show you how I decorated them.
Here are the close ups of the village. The stacked ice cream scoops were made like this and the cupcakes like this. The round cakes are foam covered in light weight spackle that was tinted with acrylic paint and applied with an icing bag. The macaroons and waffle cookies were both made with clay in silicone molds and painted with acrylic paint. The waffle cookies I sandwiched together with light weight spackle. You can find the valentine cookie printable here.
On the table is a dish piled with conversation hearts. Some are plaster and some are clay, both made with silicone molds. I painted them with acrylic paints and used puffy paint for the lettering.
Hanging from one of the windows is a cake pan that I made over using acrylic and puffy paints.
The cookie cutter collection dresser is packed with treats as well!
Here are close up photos going from left to right:
The cupcakes here were purchased from Hobby Lobby a long time ago. The candies are a mixture of hot glue, plaster and clay in silicone molds and then painted with acrylic/ embellished with puffy paint. This post will show you exactly how I made the hot glue candies and this post the pink heart candy box.
A couple of the cupcakes on the right side of the dresser are more from that Hobby Lobby set, but the rest I made myself. The pink cake is a small cake pan that I painted and added light weight spackle for icing. The small heart cakes are salt dough with glue poured over for icing. You can find the cupcake printable here.
Inside the vintage record player cabinet is my collection of fake bake molds, on top are more goodies!
The cookies are all salt dough decorated with acrylic paint, puffy paint and light weight spackle. This post will show you how to make salt dough cookies, this one the whipped hot chocolates and this one the pink resin cocoa. The faux fancy cakes are clay cut out with a heart shaped cutter, painted with acrylic paint and topped with puffy paint. The red cookie printable can be found here.
The right side of the cabinet has a tiered tray full of cupcakes and mini cakes. Some of the cupcakes are Dezicakes and others I made myself. The mini cakes I made like this.
And that's my collection of valentine fake bakes!
Interested in more fake bake crafts?
I've gathered all of my tutorials and collections into this resource page.
I hope you enjoyed this decor post, thanks for stopping by!
© Studio 27 by Jennifer Adams 2025
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