I've been thinking for awhile now that it might be fun to write up a
post all about my personal design style!
My taste is an eclectic combination of Greco-Roman, French,
Vintage, Farmhouse and what I refer to as 'dollhouse'. Imagine that a Roman gladiator and a French princess got married and moved into a Midwestern farm-ish house that was fully stocked with a ton of milk glass and plastic food and you would have me 😁
Take a look at the following photos to see what I'm talking about:
post all about my personal design style!
My taste is an eclectic combination of Greco-Roman, French,
Vintage, Farmhouse and what I refer to as 'dollhouse'. Imagine that a Roman gladiator and a French princess got married and moved into a Midwestern farm-ish house that was fully stocked with a ton of milk glass and plastic food and you would have me 😁
Take a look at the following photos to see what I'm talking about:

In my house the Greco-Roman style plays out with urns, columns and statues. Eventually I would like to have structural columns (floor to ceiling) as well as exposed wooden beams. I also like textured looking walls (think Olive Garden 😂), but I'm not sure if I will ever carry the theme that far. Maybe an accent wall or two...we'll see.
I also find myself drawn to a bit of French style, with fleur-de-lis', rich, textured
fabrics and sort-of-ornately carved furniture.
fabrics and sort-of-ornately carved furniture.
To be completely accurate, the only vintage pieces that I am currently into consist of my milk glass collection. I have my large display in the kitchen but display several pieces throughout the home as well. I also use milk glass mixing bowls, baking dishes and drinking glasses on a daily basis.
To be completely accurate, the only vintage pieces that I am currently into consist of my milk glass collection. I have my large display in the kitchen but display several pieces throughout the home as well. I also use milk glass mixing bowls, baking dishes and drinking glasses on a daily basis.
I am obsessed with the clean, sturdy look of white painted wood combined with natural accents. Right now only my kitchen, dining and desk tables feature this farmhouse look but eventually I want white kitchen cabinets with butcher block counters. I also prefer white appliances that fade into the cabinetry no trendy colors or stainless steel here!
What else do you call an obsession with artificial foods, plants and candles? I call it 'dollhouse'. Give something strange a cute name and that makes it a little less weird.....😉
I hope you enjoyed seeing a bit of my personal design style,
thanks for stopping by!
What else do you call an obsession with artificial foods, plants and candles? I call it 'dollhouse'. Give something strange a cute name and that makes it a little less weird.....😉
I hope you enjoyed seeing a bit of my personal design style,
thanks for stopping by!
© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2017