The past couple of weeks have been busy with celebrating Valentine's day and the guy's (shared) actual birthday. Here are some photos from our fun:
The kids enjoyed cutting out and decorating these heart shaped cookies for Valentine's Day.
My Baby Girl also had a good time creating valentine's for her classmates, but I forgot to get a pic😕
The holiday fell on a school/ work day this year, so we waited until afternoon to exchange valentines. I did manage some time to myself in the morning and had a hot bath, some time to read and my very own heart shaped box of chocolates....until my Bubby caught me. Then I shared, of course 😁
Bubby's Actual birthday was marked with another cake and a few gifts.
He was very excited to choose the Ninja Turtle wrapping paper himself 😁
He also requested that a dinosaur be on top of his lemon birthday cake and I was happy to oblige 😊
We can't forget that the same day is also Husby's birthday 💕
-he got a German chocolate cake and sugar cookies.
For brunch Husby wanted crepes and Bubby requested bacon . They are starting to strategize, asking for all of the unhealthy things at once, but I was accommodating 😁
After brunch it was boys choice, so we went to check Husby's beaver traps as a family. The traps were empty that day but we did spend quite a bit of time exploring the nearby woods.
-he got a German chocolate cake and sugar cookies.
For brunch Husby wanted crepes and Bubby requested bacon . They are starting to strategize, asking for all of the unhealthy things at once, but I was accommodating 😁
After brunch it was boys choice, so we went to check Husby's beaver traps as a family. The traps were empty that day but we did spend quite a bit of time exploring the nearby woods.
Back home for dinner it was steak for Husby and hot dogs for Bubby. All in all it was a very busy and very fun day!
I hope you enjoyed seeing how we've been celebrating, thanks for stopping by!
I hope you enjoyed seeing how we've been celebrating, thanks for stopping by!
© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2018
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