Today I'm sharing how I organize my personal blog book binder. I always enjoy seeing how fellow bloggers and creativepreneuers organize their business materials, plus it's a great excuse to give away some FREE printables! I also made up some blog binder organization printable packs that can be purchased from my Etsy shop, so I'll provide links for those as well.
But first, I want to take a minute to show you how to use your FREE printables:
For the cover of your binder, simply place your title printable into a word document and print. Once the sheet is printed, slide it into the front of a clear cover binder and you are ready to go. I chose to position my title at the top of the sheet, but it's up to you.
The Spine
For the spine of your book, print another copy of the title and trim down to fit the dimensions of your particular binder.
Free 'Blog Book'/ Blank Title & Spine Printables
Maybe you want to call your book a 'blog book' or maybe you don't,
so I made a blank version just in case.
You can print the blank version as it is and hand write your title. But if you prefer a type font, just copy the image into a word document and insert a text box on top of the image. Now you will be able to type whatever title you want and position it within the blank space. Before you print, adjust the settings of your text box so that the background and outline are transparent 😉
Tab Printables
For the rest of the free printables (I used mine to label my tabbed dividers) I found it easiest to place three per page in a word document. It's always good to conserve paper, right? 😊
Each of the printables pictured here will be available within this post as I discuss that particular section, so keep reading!
My Blog Book
As you saw earlier, a simple white binder with my signature red roses is how keep it all organized.
This binder includes a supply pouch, 5-Subject notebook, tabbed dividers, a folder and a ruler (for measuring dimensions of products that I list for sale). Basically, my notebook is for frequent every day scribbling and the tabs serve more like a file cabinet for things I need, but don't access quite as often.
Since my blog itself is monetized (I utilize Google Ad Space and work with various affiliates) and I sell products on Ebay and Etsy, I need a way to keep track of everything. For this reason I have sections of my binder devoted to my shops, supplies and accounting, but your binder may or may not need to cover these areas.
Binder Pouch
As soon as you open my binder, I have a pouch containing some pens, binder & paper clips, a calculator and sticky notes. Sticky notes and scraps of paper are my life. If I wasn't able to constantly scratch down all of my ideas then I think my head would explode 😆

In this section I keep track of my basic blogging information such as; usernames, passwords, my email account info, my blog mission and goals, topics, branding information, content creation and posting schedule.
Free 'The Blog' Printable
Notebook Paper & Sticky Notes
When I first put my binder together, it was full of pages and notes cobbled together like this. It worked ok, but I wanted something prettier and more organized. I decided to create organizational printables that not only looked good, but were designed to fit my personal business needs.
Now the 'blog' section of my binder is more organized like this:
Note that even with the organizational printables, I'm still using those sticky notes!😄 I like the way I can make them into additional tabs to help me find what I need quickly. I also want to point out those binder clips. When I have a big section like this posting schedule calendar, I find that the clips help me avoid ruffling through a hundred pages.
My organizational printables have been so helpful to me that I wanted to share them with others. Because everybody's blog and business are different, I kept each section as a separate purchase. This way bloggers can pick and choose what is needed without having to buy the entire book. I also kept the prices low at $2.49 per pack. This way if someone does need the entire set they can have it for less than $20 😉
You can click here to purchase the My Blog Information printable pack.
You can click here to purchase the Content Creation printable pack (includes posting schedule).
Affiliates & Campaigns
Here is where I keep my account details for my affiliates as well as company contact information
Free 'Affiliates & Campaigns' Printable
The Stores
My 'The Stores' tab is where I keep everything organized for the different platforms that I sell on. Here you will find account information, the types of products that I currently sell and where, pricing strategies and ideas for new products.
Because I use different shops for different types of products, I went ahead and separated my blog binder with a unique tab for each shop. I didn't think it was necessary to photograph each tab, but you get the idea 😊
Free Printables for 'The Stores'
Do you sell on a platform that you want a specific tab for?
Just use the blank printable from earlier in this post 😉
Monetization Printable Pack
Because I have separate tabs for my affiliate work and my stores, I ended up splitting this printable pack across the sections. Affiliate and campaign worksheets are in that section while I placed my product goals/ plans/ ideas worksheets in the store tabs.
You can click here to purchase the Monitization printable pack.
My 'marketing' tab is where I organize my services used (like Vistaprint for business cards) as well as keep track of goals and resources.
Free 'Marketing' Printable
Marketing Printable Pack
When making this worksheet pack, I made sure to include space to keep track of link parties that I participate in. Link parties are a great (free) way to get your blog name out there, make relationships with other bloggers and to find links to awesome posts for your own reading 😎 I highly recommend that any blogger wanting to expand their audience should participate in link parties related to their blog subject matter.
You can click here to purchase the Marketing Printable Pack.
Social Media & Networking
After creating these printables I added them to my binder as sub-sections of my marketing tab, but you could certainly make them their own tabs if you wanted. The social media pack contains space to track social media platforms used and their corresponding log-in information as well as worksheets to record content ideas and hashtags. The networking pack helps you compile a list of bloggers that you follow and (want to reach out to) in the form of address pages.
You can click here to purchase the Social Media printable pack.
You can click here to purchase the Networking printable pack.
My accounting section contains my sales and income records (of course) but I also have tabs for resources and supplies. The resource tab is where I keep information on suppliers for the goods that I create. My Supply list tab is where I track the cost of every supply so that I can get a better idea of how to charge for my finished products.
Free 'Accounting', 'Income', 'Expenditures', 'Resources'
and 'Supply Lists' Printables
My legal section is where I keep printed copies of my blog policies and media kit.
and 'Supply Lists' Printables
My legal section is where I keep printed copies of my blog policies and media kit.
Free 'Legal' Printable
Accounting & Legal Printable Packs
The accounting pack that I created contains worksheets for tracking income, expenditures and supplies. The Legal pack is really just a cover page and I didn't feel right charging for it separately 😉 For this reason I added it into the accounting section.
Note: Even bloggers who do not sell products or utilize add space may benefit from accounting worksheets to keep track of web hosting and other blog related expenses.
You can click here to purchase the Accounting and Legal printable packs.
Accounting & Legal Printable Packs
The accounting pack that I created contains worksheets for tracking income, expenditures and supplies. The Legal pack is really just a cover page and I didn't feel right charging for it separately 😉 For this reason I added it into the accounting section.
Note: Even bloggers who do not sell products or utilize add space may benefit from accounting worksheets to keep track of web hosting and other blog related expenses.
You can click here to purchase the Accounting and Legal printable packs.
Free 'Calendar' Printable
I don't actually keep a calendar within my binder but in case you do, here is another free printable 😀
I don't actually keep a calendar within my binder but in case you do, here is another free printable 😀
Want a 'Blog Book' cover that matches the printable packs?
You can click here to purchase the black rose spine and cover printable pages.

And there you have it, all the ins and outs of how I organize my blog binder, a whole slew of free printables and several links to affordable organizational printables! Whew!
I hope you enjoyed this blogging/ organizational post, thanks for stopping by!
© Studio 27 by Jennifer Adams 2019
This post was added to the Best of the Weekend link party.
This post was added to the Best of the Weekend link party.
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