Friday, May 17, 2024

Fake Bake Decor: Strawberry Lemonade

Summer Tiered Tray

Once summer arrives I like to switch up my fake bake displays every few weeks. Come in and take a look at my strawberry lemonade collection:


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Summer Tiered Tray
Summer Tiered Tray
Summer Tiered Tray
Sumer Tiered Tray
Summer Tiered Tray
This series of photos are going from left to right on the breakfast room cabinet.  

The two round cakes are made with Dollar Tree foam rounds and painted in acrylic.  The red cake I glued the rounds together and coated with light weight spackle before painting.  For the layer cake I painted the rounds first and then sandwiched together with light weight spackle.  The dripping red sauce is also acrylic paint.  The berries on top of the red cake are clay, made in a mold then painted (like this), while the plastic berries on top of the layer cake can be found here.

The mug drink was made like this and I have this tutorial for the strawberry lemonade.  The jar of faux strawberries are some that I found while thrifting.  They were pretty faded so I repainted them and put them in an old candle jar.  The sponge cakes are made from colorful sponges that I cut and then stacked with light weight spackle in between each layer.

The strawberry shortcake printable is no longer available but you can find the strawberry layer printable here.

Summer Tiered Tray
Summer Tiered Tray
Summer Tiered Tray
Summer Tiered Tray
Summer Tiered Tray
Summer Tiered Tray
Summer Tiered Tray
Over on the buffet I added a few lemon themed items as well.  

The lemonade and the ice water with lemon are made in the same way as the strawberry lemonade - just use a yellow paint to color the resin for lemonade and leave it clear for water.  The lemon topped mug drinks were made in the same way as the strawberry one from the cabinet display.  You can find faux whole lemons here, sliced lemons here, wedged lemons here and ice here.

The strawberry bowls are a vintage set that I found at Goodwill and the cupcakes I made like this.  I can't remember where I found the loose strawberries that are on the tiered tray, but here are similar.  They have the same size and texture but are a solid red whereas mine have white spots.  You could always paint some on it you really wanted to.

And that's my strawberry lemonade collection!

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Do you like the convenience of crafting with instantly available digital downloads?
Check out this week's features from my Etsy shop:

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor


Strawberry Cricut Crafting


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  1. Amazing! All the ones as drinks are my favorite, from the "floating" berries to the swirly "whipped cream," they're so fun! Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #38 linkup this week. Hope to see you next time, too!

    1. I appreciate you reading and commenting each week, thanks so much!

  2. Love this. Your fake bake decor is great. You do such lovely work.
    Visiting today from Will Blog For Comments #4&5

  3. These are lovely! Your fake bakes are very creative and super realistic!
    Thanks so much for sharing with #MMBC Jennifer. :)
