Friday, June 30, 2023

4th Of July Decor

Independence Day

The 4th of July is almost here, take a look at my decor:


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In the front hall I have a faux geranium wreath and pot, combined with a BBQ printable.

You can find the printable here.
You can see the rest of the front hall here.


In the front room I have my holiday quilt on the couch and a printable/ faux potted rose collection on the surface behind the couch.  

The quilt is what I call a "cheat quilt", I took a premade comforter and hand stitched patched onto the top.  Each patch is a piece of holiday clothing that my kids wore over the years.  Cheat quilts are a great way to add color to your holiday decor while also displaying holiday memories 😍 

You can find the parade printable here and the potted plant tutorial here.
If you would like to see the rest of the front room, you can click here.


On the other side of the front room is my desk area, with a few more faux plants in holiday colors.


In the dining room I have framed photos of my kids celebrating the holiday throughout the years.  All those cheat quilt patches are from the clothing worn in these photos!


One little jar of sparkly blue stars is the only accessory to the dinning shelves 😄

You can see the rest of the dinning room here.


In the family room is another framed printable and a trio of faux firework bundles.

The printable is available here, and I have the tutorial for the firework bundles here.
If you would like to check out the rest of the family room, click here.

Friday, June 23, 2023

House Gnomes: Door Tour


Over the past year I've been sharing room makeovers of our new house and in doing so you may have noticed that many rooms contain hidden little doors.  You can call them mouse holes if you want, but I say that we have "House Gnomes" 😄  

Today I've collected pictures of each home so you can see them all at once, this one is found in the front hall.


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To see more of the front hall you can click here.


Made with my Cricut, these are just removable vinyl stickers that I applied to the trim.

Tucked in the corner of the front room is this little doorway.  
You can see the rest of the front room here.


Next to the faux cookie cabinet in the dining room is this tiny home.  I didn't want to have just doors, that would be too plain, so I added in tiny windows and plants to give more interest.

You can see the rest of the dining room here, and the cookie cabinet here.
I was able to clean and shine up the wood floors using this.


In the breakfast room I have a home in the corner by the breakfast cabinet.  I found all of my different doorway, plant and window images by searching in clipart (specify black and white to narrow down your results) and then uploading my chosen images to Cricut's design space.

You can see the rest of the room here and the faux food in the cabinet here.


Under the cabinetry in the kitchen is this home.  
You can view the kitchen makeover  here.


My favorite gnome house is this one in the laundry room, complete with clothes line!  You used to be able to see the entire line, but I switched out my pantry storage drawers to a larger set.  I'm thinking I might add another sticker in this room.

You can see the laundry room here.


And finally, here is the home in the family room.
You can see this room's makeover  here.

I want to create a way to peek inside of the homes using miniature furniture and accessories, sort of like opening the wall but without damaging the house 😁  I was inspired by  The Mouse Mansion, a museum in Amsterdam that features miniature mouse displays.  I came across their Facebook page and loved seeing the pictures of the faux mice going about their daily business.

For now though, you can check out these miniature gnome and fairy gardens that I did last year.


I hope you enjoyed the tour of my house gnome doors, thanks for stopping by!

© Studio 27 by Jennifer Adams 2023


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Friday, June 16, 2023

Fake Bake Display Pieces - My Collection

 Display Dishes

I like to change out my fake bake food items seasonally and In doing so I've acquired a nice collection of cake stands, plates and tiered trays in various colors.  I keep them in this thrifted storage cabinet, check it out:


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(To see more about the front room and this cabinet, you can click here)

Display Dishes

Opening up the doors is the main storage area.  All of my pieces are thrifted or from yard sales and most have been recolored with spray paint.  

I don't recommend serving actual food on spray painted pieces unless you place a barrier between the food and the painted surface, just in case the paint were to flake off.  I also avoid putting these in the dishwasher and clean by hand only.  Here is a post where I show a before and after.

Display Dishes

Other than the olive green cake stand and the tiny dessert plates, everything in this photo has been painted.  The small plates are from Dollar Tree.

Display Dishes
Display Dishes

The front white cake stand and tiered tray are as is, everything else I gave a coat of paint.

Display Dishes

The top drawer contains my pale yellow, mint green and light blue.  Everything here is painted other than the plates, again from Dollar Tree.

Display Dishes
Display Dishes

The bottom drawer holds my red, orange and bright yellow, all of them items that I sprayed.  The bright yellow is currently being used to hold my faux citrus collection 😍

And that's my collection so far...

Friday, June 9, 2023

Fake Bake Pineapple Upside Down Cake

 Faux Food Decor

I've really been getting in to the practice of using cake pans as faux food décor!
Check out this pineapple upside down cake:


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Faux Food Decor

Purchased second hand for a couple of dollars, here is the pan as I found it.

Amazon has the same pan in a pretty aqua color here.

Faux Food Decor

I spray painted my pan in a light yellow color and then applied acrylic paints using a sponge brush.  The darker yellow and brown shades added dimension and gave the 'cake' a freshly baked golden brown look.

Faux Food Decor
Faux Food Decor

I used Crayola Air Dry Clay to create the pineapple slices.  Rolling out several spheres in the same size, I then flattened them into thin circles.  using a knife I cut out the centers and added markings around the edges.

Faux Food Decor

Once the clay was dry I used a light yellow to fully paint them and then sponged on a darker shade for detail.

Faux Food Decor

To create the cherry centers, I cut foam berries in half.  Left as whole berries they stuck too far up from the top of the cake.  By cutting them in half they sit lower and look as thought hey have been baked in.

Faux Food Decor

Using hot glue I attached the clay pineapple slices and foam cherries to the top of the painted pan.

Faux Food Decor
Faux Food Decor

After that it was a simple as using light weight spackle in an icing bag to create the faux dollops and border.

Note:  If you rest your pan on a non-stick surface then you can apply an 'icing' border around the bottom of the pan that will stay attached to the pan when dry.  It's delicate though, can can easily break.  I like to glue my pans to a firm surface first, like a plate, and then add the border icing.

Faux Food Decor

And there you have it, a faux pineapple upside down cake that looks good enough to eat!



I hope you enjoyed this how-to post, thanks for stopping by!

Friday, June 2, 2023

Summer Decor


Happy June!

Today I'm sharing my summer décor, take a look:


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In the front hall I have a trio of faux potted pansies.  

You can see how I made the pansy pots in this post and the stems are available now at Dollar Tree.
You can see the rest of the front hall  here.


At my desk area in the front room I have a few faux hydrangea (made just like the pansies) and a couple of fairies in jars 😄

You can check out this tutorial if you want to make your own fairy lanterns.
You can see the rest of the front room here.


In the dining room is my shelf that I change out seasonally.  For summer I like to have photos of my kids swimming and having summer fun.  In between the photos is my collection of cacti and succulents.


Some of the cacti/ succulents I made, some were found at thrift stores or yard sales and others I purchased at Dollar Tree and Walmart.


On top of my cookie cabinet is a jar of stars and a jar of fireflies!
The stars are glow in the dark stickers on a sheet of clear plastic.  The jar of fireflies can be made by following the steps in this post.


Tucked in next to the fireplace is a pot of artificial strawberries.  Once a basket thrift store find, I restyled the plant like  this.