Friday, June 21, 2024

Family Room Snack Display

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor

In the family room is a cabinet where I keep my collection of faux snack foods.  Starting at the top and moving left to right, I'll share close-ups of everything inside:


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This post will show you how I use photo frames to create the glass 'doors' of the cabinet.
You can click here to see the rest of the family room.

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor

Inside the trifle bowl is a stack of pet toy hamburgers that I recolored like this.  The chicken legs can be found here and the hamburgers here.

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor

If you visited last week you will remember the salt dough pizza post but if not you can find it here.  The iced tea I made like this (just use brown paint instead of pink) and the hot dogs are more repainted pet toys.  The two sizes of goldfish crackers are clay pressed into silicone molds and painted in acrylic.  The lemonade I purchased here - definitely cheaper to make your own if you are up to it!

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor

The water with cherry and lime fruits is resin that I didn't add any color to.  The cupcakes are from this eBay storefront and the crackers are clay - I used a real Cheez-it to make a silicone mold like in this post.  Behind the salt dough pizza is a basket of sandwiches made with spray foam leftovers and food toys  (this post will better show you how I put them together).

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor

This basket of hot dogs are also all pet toys and the pizza is again salt dough.  The teddy grahams are clay in a gummy bear mold.  After painting them I sprinkled some cinnamon and then coated with spray adhesive.  

I can't find a link for another set of the fake sodas in the disposable cups, but searches on eBay and Amazon will bring up a lot that are in glass containers.  

The large hot dogs in the trifle bowl are currently unavailable, but here is the link in case that changes.  The tiny skewers can be found here.

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor

In the very back you can see a pitcher and glasses of soda that I made myself with resin.  Again, just like in the link above but change the color of your paint accordingly.

The sandwiches are kids toys that I glued together and the tacos are more pet toys.  The popcorn ball is supposed to be a Christmas decoration I think, and I found it at the thrift store.

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor

Behind the salt dough pizza are a couple of popcorn tubs that I bought online.  This link will get you a similar style, though I don't think the tubs are quite as large.  To the left of those tubs is a pile of pretzel sticks.  I made these by putting clay into an ice cube tray designed to make long, skinny cubes for water bottles.  I painted the sticks in brown and then used spray adhesive to glue on some fine sand to look like salt.

The fruit water pitcher and glasses are more uncolored resin and behind them is a jar of loose popcorn.  I made this by purchasing a popcorn garland and then cutting it apart.

And that's the tour of my family room snack display!

I hope you enjoyed this fake bake display post, thanks for stopping by!

© Studio 27 by Jennifer Adams 2024


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Check out this week's features from my Etsy shop:

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor


Summer Cricut Crafting
Sweet Summer SVG Bundle

Friday, June 14, 2024

Salt Dough Pizzas

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor

A couple of weeks ago I shared a project where I used tart pans just like these to make giant faux cookies.  Today I'm showing you how you can do pizzas as well, take a look:


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(In case you want to see those large cookies, you can click here)

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor

After mixing up salt dough and pressing it into my thrift store tart pans, I baked them until dry.  Using a light brown acrylic paint I added water until it was very runny and brushed around the edges.  This gives a more baked look to your pizza crust.  I only did the edges since I planned on covering the middle with 'sauce' anyway.

(My Christmas Cookie post will walk you through the salt dough process)

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor

Using Apple Barrel Tuscan Red acrylic paint, I applied a thick layer to the center of each pizza.

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor

Creating my toppings was a simple as cutting up craft foam sheets into different shapes.  I used yellow and orange for cheese, white for onion, green for peppers, red for pepperoni and brown for mushrooms.  I kept my shapes pretty basic, but you can get as detailed as you want.

My sheets have adhesive backing so once I cut them I just peeled off the backing and stuck the bits in place, but glue will work just as well.

Here are the pizzas with the toppings in place:

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor
Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor
Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor
Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor

And here are the pizzas now that they live in my snack food cabinet display:

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor
Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor
Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor
Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor

And that's how I made my salt dough pizzas!

Do you like the convenience of crafting with instantly available digital downloads?
Check out this week's features from my Etsy shop:

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor


Summer July Cricut Crafting


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Friday, June 7, 2024

Fake Bake Decor: Honey Theme

 Tiered Tray Fake Bake Decor

During the summer I have a small honey themed fake bake display for when the weather gets warmer.  Check it out:


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Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor

The honey pot is a Winnie The Pooh toy (hence the misspelling) that I painted in white and gold.  I used a bit of clay to create a lid for top and painted it a honey color.

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor

The cookies are salt dough cut in geometric shapes and panted in acrylic.  The swirl detailing is done with puffy paint.

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor

My cupcakes were made with spray foam like this and topped with faux bees.

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor
Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor

My candies large and small were made with hot glue melted into silicone molds (like this) and then painted in acrylic.  I also used puffy paint for the detailing here. 

This large cake mold is similar to the one that I have and used for the bee candies.  Instead of filling the entire mold with your material (hot glue/ plaster/ clay), just fill individual areas.  That way you end up with smaller, separate pieces.  Any hexagonal silicone ice cube mold will work for the smaller faux chocolates.

The tiny cupcakes are topped with cinnamon.
And that's my collection of honey themed fake bakes!

Do you like the convenience of crafting with instantly available digital downloads?
Check out this week's features from my Etsy shop:

Fake Bake Tiered Tray Decor


Summer Honey Bee Cricut Crafting


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