Friday, October 10, 2014

Halloween Quilt 2014

As you may know by now, I have a really hard time letting go of my kiddo's outgrown clothing.

First I created a box for each child filled with special items from their first year (the Little Man's isn't finished yet).

 Then I went through all of the baby clothing and blankets to make a keepsake quilt for each child (Little Man's is still in progress).

Baby Girl went through what was left of her baby clothes and chose items for her dolls.  Now many of the things she plays with were once her or her Brother's.  Clothing...bibs...newborn bottles...:)

Little items like hats, mittens, tiny swimsuits, sunhats, snow boots and rain boots end up as part of my seasonal decor.  Hats and mittens I hang up during the winter, baby snow boots sit on the window sill.  The swimsuits and sunhats come out in the summer and as soon as spring hits, the rain boots replace the snow boots at the window.  Even Baby Girl's tiny sparkling party shoes are still hanging from ribbons in my closet :)

Of course I have a box containing each and every one of Baby Girl's fancy dresses.

And I can't let go of Halloween costumes or special 'dress-ups'!

Now don't get me wrong, I let go of a lot of stuff, but if any item makes me go 'awwww' and fills my heart with memories, it stays.  Trouble is, the kids keep growing, keep getting stuff and I keep getting attached!

I had to figure out what to do with these things, and started making seasonal keepsake quilts as well.

So far I have one for Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day and the 4th of July.  You can read more about how I make my keepsake quilts (and why they are called 'cheat' quilts from this 4th of July post)

Here is the Halloween quilt so far.  

It's a bit wrinkled as I just pulled it out of storage, annnnd because a certain Little Man would race back and forth crawling at full speed each time I straightened it out.  He doesn't yet share my appreciation for quality photography :D

A close-up of the patches.

Currently, all of these patches were from Baby Girl's Halloween outfits.  This year will be Little Man's first Halloween, so I'll be sewing his on in a few weeks. 

Right now the quilt is folded up on the back of the couch in the living room.  Walk into the dining room and you will see framed holiday photos, many where these adorable outfits are being worn.  That is what I call 'design flow'.  It all makes sense, it all goes together and it tells a story about the happy times we have had as a family.  We are living in the present, remembering the past and looking forward to the future.  That is good design!

Hope you enjoyed my Halloween quilt, thanks for stopping by!


© Jennifer Adams Flowers 2014