Friday, January 7, 2022

DIY Wedding Floral Series: Part 2 - Corsages & Boutonnieres


I this second edition of the DIY wedding floral series, I'm sharing how I made my corsages and boutonnieres.  Corsages are for the ladies and can be either pin-on or worn at the wrist (in my packages I always included pin-on corsages)  Boutonnieres are worn by the men and are also pin-on in style.

Read on to see how easy they are to make:


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Here we are after prepping the floral bunches (post 1)- this pile is made up of the longest stems (one per bush) that I cut off using wire cutters.

Remember, these flowers and many floral design supplies can be found at Dollar Tree where everything is priced at $1.25.

I like to remove the greenery right away as it makes working with the flowers easier.  Just slide the greens right down the stems to take off and then set to the side.  The greens can be used later for embellishing the corsages/ boutonnieres.

Next trim the stems, again using those wire cutters.  I like to leave about an inch/ inch and a half of stem left per flower.

Once the stem is cut to the desire length, it's time to wrap using floral tape.  Lie the tape sticky (inside) side down leaving about an inch of length overhanging to the left.  Bend that strip down and behind the stem, running it lengthwise.  This gives you a nice piece to grip while you tug and wrap with the remaining tape.

Holding that strip down with one thumb (I use my left) use your other thumb to pull the tape while wrapping it around.  Pulling the tape causes it to stretch a bit, which also makes it stick to itself better and then stay in place.  Keep wrapping until you reach the end of the stem.  If you like the look you can stop there,  or you can continue adding tape until the stem reaches desired thickness.

Want to see a video of how it's done?
I've found a great tutorial  here!

Note:  The florist in the video tutorial is adding a wire to her flower because it is a fresh flower.  Since most fake flowers are already wired, adding another wire isn't needed.

Here is how my stems look after a couple of layers of the floral tape.

Remember those greens that we saved?  
I like to use scissors to trim them apart into leaves that look more realistic.

After that it's a simple as hot gluing the leaf into place.  You can stop here or go as complex as you want, adding more flowers, greenery, ribbon or other embellishments.  

Boutonnieres I tended to leave plain, but for the ladies corsages I liked to add ribbon.  Because my goal was to keep my prices as conservative for my customers as possible I often kept things very simple, but you can certainly go as far as your budget allows.
Make sure to have a floral pin to include with the piece and you are ready to go.

And there you have it, easy to make corsages and boutonnieres!

Did you miss a post in this series?
Post 3:  Bouquets
Post 4:  Tulle


I hope you enjoyed this how-to floral post, thanks for stopping by!

© Studio 27 by Jennifer Adams 2022


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Wonderful Wednesday (Oh My Heartsie Girl)
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